KiteTheBay is your vanguard to any kitesurfing endeavor. The 21ft jet boat, named Windseeker, is used for all expeditions and lessons and can hold gear and up to two passengers. Unlike other lesson programs, you will get in the water with a full-size kite on your first day. Come in off-the-water and sit in the weather-protected housing of the Windseeker on the ride back to land. You’ll receive live feedback and guidance through radio helmets. KiteTheBay uses all the top gear from F-One for all lessons.
The Bay can be hazardous and conditions can change. We help people become confident in their abilities to handle a variety of conditions. We’re here to help you push yourself past the early challenges and realize the freedom of being self-sufficient. We want you to be able to make good decisions that help you stay stoked on kiting.
What kite size to rig?
How will the tidal current effect me?
What happens if the wind dies?
What to do if I’m over-powered?